Season’s Greetings . 2024

December 20, 2024


Pitágoras Group is a PME líder’24

October 30, 2024 | pme lider, news

Pitágoras Group was distinguished by IAPMEI as PME Líder 2024

Conferência ICOVIL Dijon – Reabilitação do edifício do antigo Teatro Jordão e Garagem Avenida

May 15, 2024 | urbanism, conference, guimarães, news, rehabilitation, public space, culture

A Pitágoras Group, a convite da ICOVIL (une associationloi 1901 au service du patrimone de l’architecture et de l’urbanisme), estará presente em Dijon onde apresentará o projecto da “Reabilitação do edifício do antigo Teatro Jordão e Garagem Avenida”.

Réhabilitation de l’ancien Théàtre Jordão de Guimarães

“A step forward in consolidating the use of BIM in the management and coordination of architectural projects”

April 12, 2024 | BIM, news

Compremetimento, crescimento e valor no sector da indústria AEC.
BIM para continuar a adicionar valor à arquitectura da Pitágoras Group.

Autodesk Case Study

Pitágoras Group is a PME líder’23

January 31, 2024 | portugal, news

Pitágoras Group was distinguished by IAPMEI as PME Líder 2023

ArchDaily Building of the year 2023 – Rehabilitation of the Old Jordão Theatre building – Winner

March 15, 2023 | guimarães, archdaily, school, rehabilitation, services, public space, culture

Rehabilitation of the Old Jordão Theatre building winner in the “Educational Architecture” category of the ArchDaily architecture platform.

Winner Prêmio Obra do Ano 2023

Rehabilitation of the Old Jordão Theater building

ArchDaily Building of the year 2023 Renovation of Póvoa de Varzim Transport Coordination Centre

March 14, 2023 | archdaily, urbanism, portugal, rehabilitation, services, public space

Renovation of Póvoa de Varzim Transport Coordination Centre building is nominated in the “Infraestrutura” category of the ArchDaily architecture platform.

Vote Here

Renovation of Póvoa de Varzim Transport Coordination Centre

ArchDaily 2023 Building of the Year Awards Renovation of Póvoa de Varzim Transport Coordination Centre

February 8, 2023 | urbanism, institutional, conference, archdaily, rehabilitation, services, public space

Renovation of Póvoa de Varzim Transport Coordination Centre is nominated in the “Public & Landscape Architecture” category of the ArchDaily architecture platform.

Vote Here

Renovation of Póvoa de Varzim Transport Coordination Centre

Teatro Jordão e Garagem Avenida wins Prémio Nacional de Reabilitação Urbana 2022

May 11, 2022 | guimarães, rehabilitation

Teatro Jordão e Garagem Avenida wins Prémio Nacional de Reabilitação Urbana 2022 in social impact category.

Prémio Nacional de Reabilitação Urbana 2022

Rehabilitation of the old Jordão Theater building

ArchDaily 2022 Building of the Year Awards United Nations University

February 4, 2022

United Nations University is nominated in the “Educational Architecture” category of the ArchDaily architecture platform.

vote here

United nations university wins Prémio Nacional de Reabilitação Urbana 2021

July 8, 2021 | guimarães, rehabilitation

United Nations University wins Prémio Nacional de Reabilitação Urbana 2021 in Comercial and services category.

LiderA System – Certification: Class A++ Gymnastics Training Center of Guimarães

February 14, 2021 | urbanism, guimarães, portugal, news, services, public space

“The excellent performance of the Gymnastics Training Center obtained the maximum level (Class A++) in the evaluation of sustainability in LiderA System. The Training Center is already claimed like a national, or even international, example of search for sustainability.”

LideraA – Gymnastics Training Center of Guimarães

Abstract – Site LiderA
Gymnastics Training Center of Guimarães
Certificated in 2017

The Gymnastics Training Center of Guimarães, located in the parish of Costa, in Guimarães, is a sports infrastructure integrated in the municipality strategy for the development of sportive habits.

Designed by the Pitagoras group, the building presents a singular architecture that, simultaneously, guarantees its perfect integration in the natural richness and surrounding landscape.

The building is divided in two parts, one big space for the practice of gymnastics activities, including seats for the public and the other part is mainly for support areas such as changing rooms and showers, gymnasium, medical services and technical areas.

This sports infrastructure is a reference in the area of sustainability, energy efficiency and innovation. Its exceptional performance allows the Gymnastics Training Center to integrate the group of constructive solutions that will support the candidature of Guimarães as European Green Capital.

The excellent performance of the Gymnastics Training Center obtained the maximum level (Class A++) in the evaluation of sustainability in LiderA System. The Training Center is already claimed like a national, or even international, example of search for sustainability.

Among the implemented solutions and technics stand out the use of renewable energies, namely photovoltaic solar system with electric energy production, solar thermal system for hot water production and the geothermal system which allows the use of the thermal energy to stabilize the structural temperature of the building. Along with this solutions, the building has a system to reuse the rainwater and, during its construction, the materials were carefully selected to be sustainable and durable.

The presented solutions, as a whole, answer simultaneously to the comfort and quality requirements of the Gymnastics Training Center users and show concern with the level of sustainability achieved by the building.

Pinheiro, Manuel Duarte; Urbano, Daniela (2017). Gymnastics Training Center of Guimarães | Positioning of Environmental Performance Evaluation – Final Report LiderA, Técnico – Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, June 2017, LID119, 79 pages (digital format), Lisbon.

Certification: Class A++
Region: Guimarães
Parish: Costa
Context: Urban
Promoter: Câmara Municipal de Guimarães
Architecture, landscaping and project management: Pitagorasgroup
Foundations and structures, hydraulic engineering, acoustic, gas and security: Sopsec S.A.
Mechanical engineering, termal study, electrical engineering: Layout, Lda.
Construction: Costeira – Engenharia e Construção S.A.
Supervision: Câmara Municipal de Guimarães
Type of Use: Services Site area: 8 800 m²
Implantation area: 1 800 m²
Gross construction area: 3 160 m²

LiderA – Certification

Gymnastics Training Center of Guimarães

ArchDaily 2021 Building of the Year Awards EB 2/3 Taipas school

January 29, 2021 | archdaily, guimarães, portugal, school, services

EB 2/3 Taipas school is nominated in the “Educational Architecture” category of the ArchDaily architecture platform.

vote here

ArchDaily 2021 Building of the Year Awards Caldeiroa car parking

January 29, 2021 | urbanism, guimarães, archdaily, news, landscaping, services, public space

Caldeiroa Car parking is nominated in the “Public & Landscape Architecture” category of the ArchDaily architecture platform.

vote here

The Plan Award 2020 – #Finalist – eb 2/3 taipas school

August 4, 2020 | publications, guimarães, news, school

vote here

Pitágoras Group is a PME líder’19

January 10, 2020 | portugal, news

Pitágoras Group was distinguished by IAPMEI as PME Líder 2019

ArchiNews 48 – Pitágoras Group

November 21, 2019 | publications

The magazine with Pitágoras buildings is already for sale, on it you can find some of the recent works of the practica. You can buy it online through the website of ArchiNewns, at ArchiNews.

Tour Emergent featured on Porto Canal

October 29, 2018 | hotel, news, residential, public space

Gymnastics Training Center of Guimarães featured in Ecologik

September 3, 2018 | publications, guimarães, portugal, news, services, public space

“Ecologik”, n.59, France, september/october/november, 2018

Tour Emergent featured in BpiExpresso

August 11, 2018 | publications, idea, shopping, hotel, news, services, residential

Pitágoras Group featured in Jornal de Negócios

January 24, 2018 | guimarães, colombia, mozambique, portugal, maputo, news, services

Sustentabilidade na arquitetura_Artigo Completo

Gymnastics Training Center of Guimarães featured in AKS – International Association for Sports and Leisure Facilities

January 3, 2018 | sports, publications, guimarães, portugal, public space

“SB – International magazine for sports, leisure and recreational facilities”, 1/2018, Germany, january 2018

Happy New Year 2018

December 21, 2017

Pitágoras Group at Expo Indústria 2017, Maranhão, Brazil

November 3, 2017

Manuel Roque will present “Gymnastics Training Center of Guimarães” at Expo Indústria 2017, Arena da Sustentabilidade 2017-10-09, 19h.
“Edifícios inteligentes rumo ao carbono zero”

Pitágoras Group featured in El Tiempo, Colombia

October 26, 2017 | sports, publications, guimarães, colombia, portugal

“gymnastics training center of guimarães” at Share Budapest 2017

October 17, 2017 | sports, guimarães, portugal, news, public space

Arch. Manuel Roque from Portugal, founder partner at Pitagorasgroup, will held a presentation on “Gymnastics Training Center of Guimarães” at the conference – SHARE International Architecture and Engineering Forum Budapest on october, 2017.

gymnastics training center of guimarães featured on “Espaços&Casas” da Sic Notícias

October 11, 2017 | publications, sports, guimarães, portugal, news, landscaping, public space

PitágorasGroup está presente na Expoconstrucción & Expodiseño 2017 – Colômbia

May 22, 2017 | colombia, news

A PitágorasGroup está presente na Expoconstrucción & Expodiseño 2017, Bogotá – Colômbia de 16 a 21 de Maio.
Um sector em grande desenvolvimento na Colômbia, numa mostra onde estarão representadas grandes empresas relacionadas com arquitectura, engenharia e construção.

gymnastics training center of guimarães featured in BpiExpresso

May 1, 2017 | publications, guimarães, news

“platform of arts and creativity” at SHARE FORUM BUCHAREST 2017

March 16, 2017 | guimarães, conference, portugal, rehabilitation, public space, culture

Arch. Raul Roque Figueiredo from Portugal, founder partner at Pitagorasgroup, will held a presentation on “Platform of Arts and Creativity” at the conference GIS – interior architecture and design, part of SHARE International Architecture and Engineering Forum Bucharest on march 21 – 22, 2017.

Raul Roque Figueiredo will present “Platform of Arts and Creativity”at SHARE Forum Bucharest 2017

happy new year 2017

January 2, 2017 | news

gymnastics training center of guimarães is under construction

November 21, 2016 | guimarães, portugal, news, services, public space

indigo building is under construction

July 14, 2016 | mozambique, maputo, news, residential

mozambique olympic committee headquarters is under construction

March 1, 2016 | mozambique, maputo, services

building of the year 2016 nomination

February 1, 2016 | archdaily, news

Two Houses in Largo do Trovador is nominated to
“Building of the Year 2016” Archdaily, we appreciate your vote!


platform of arts and creativity featured in Líndustria delle Costruzioni

December 1, 2015 | publications, guimarães, portugal, public space

“líndustria delle costruzioni”, n.446, Architettura Portoghese 2, Italy, december 2015

apartment at póvoa de varzim featured in Portuguese Modern Apartments

November 5, 2015 | publications, portugal, rehabilitation, residential

“Portuguese Modern Apartments”, Portugal, november 2015

platform of arts and creativity featured in de arhitecturã

November 1, 2015 | publications, guimarães, portugal, public space

“de arhitecturã”, n.41, spatii pentru culturã, Romãnã, november 2015

platform of arts and creativity featured in Arketipo

November 1, 2015 | publications, guimarães, portugal, public space

“Arketipo”, n.98, Polifunzional, Italy, november/december 2015

entrevista diário imobiliário

July 10, 2015 | news

“São três questões que colocamos semanalmente aos nossos arquitectos sobre o estado da profissão, dos projectos, da internacionalização, do estado da arte e de tudo o que importa e interessa no universo da arquitectura.”

veja na íntegra o artigo

pitagoras group: launch event

May 30, 2015 | news

The launch event of the Pitagoras Group brand took place on May 29, at Jofebar.

With established presence in several international markets, Pitágoras starts a new phase of activity, Pitagoras Group, based on a transformation of the functional structure, associated with a new image, in order to adjust to its new reality.

Two hundred people attended the event organized by Pitágoras, in partnership with Uzina Books publisher, which included several moments: a retrospective of the 25 years of the company’s work, presentation of the book “Pitágoras Arquitectos, obras recentes” and the launch of the Pitagoras Group brand.

The retrospective of the work done in the latest years was presented through an exhibition of several works that allowed the guests to get to know the company’s work in its several fields of intervention.

The book presentation had the intervention of the editor José Manuel das Neves and the author of the critical text Pedro Bandeira who emphasized the work done by Pitágoras through the years.

a new identity

May 28, 2015 | news

Pitagoras Group has been revealed.

Motivated by a sustainable growth and progressive international exposition, this new corporative identity aims to add in attitude, communication and modernism.

Founded in a new name, motto, website and video, will raise the practice to new hights and will enable the group to face more ambitious challenges.

Pitagoras Group. More Than Architecture.

pitágoras arquitectos: recent works

May 27, 2015 | news

The book with Pitagoras buildings is already for sale, on it you can find some of the recent works of the practice. You can buy it online through the website of Uzina Books, at

the plan award 2015

May 25, 2015 | news

A Pitágoras Arquitectos ganhou o prémio “The Plan Award 2015”. A cerimónia de entrega dos prémios decorreu no dia 20 de Maio de 2015, em Milão.

Entre grandes nomes da arquitectura mundial, como o escritório londrino Zaha Hadid, os internacionais Perkins and Will ou os holandeses Neutelings Riedijk Architects, entre muitos outros, foi o escritório português Pitágoras Arquitectos a conquistar o prémio na mais cobiçada categoria do concurso – “Culture” com o projecto da Plataforma das Artes e da Criatividade/CIAJG.

two houses in largo do trovador published

May 19, 2015 | news

The rehabilitation project on Largo do Trovador, in Guimarães, was published on the recognized international website Archdaily. You can now see it at:

quinta da laje house featured in Portuguese Restored Houses

November 5, 2014 | portugal, rehabilitation, residential

“Portuguese Restored Houses”, Portugal, november 2014

platform of arts and creativity featured in Decorativa Design

September 5, 2014 | publications, guimarães, portugal, public space, culture

“Decorativa Design”, Brazil, september 2014

l23 house featured in Arquitectura y Diseño

August 5, 2014 | publications, guimarães, residential

“Arquitectura y Diseño”, n.155, Espanha, august 2014

platform of arts and creativity featured in l’ARCA

November 7, 2013

“l’ARCA – International”, France, november/december 2013

l23 house featured in Portuguese Contemporary Houses

November 5, 2013 | guimarães, portugal, residential

“Portuguese Contemporary Houses”, Portugal, november 2013

platform of arts and creativity featured in Selected Works – European Union Prize

November 5, 2013 | publications, guimarães, portugal, public space, culture

“Selected Works – European Union Prize”, Mies Award 2013, Spain, november 2013

platform of arts and creativity featured in Casabella

October 6, 2013 | publications, guimarães, portugal, public space, culture

“Casabella”, n.829, Italy, september 2013

platform of arts and creativity featured in Red Dot Design Yearbook

September 7, 2013 | publications, guimarães, portugal, public space, culture

“Red Dot Design Yearbook – 2013/2014”, Germany, september 2013

guimarães private hospital and candoso school centre featured in Architecture Design

May 5, 2013 | publications, guimarães, portugal, public space, culture

“Architecture Design”, China, march 2013

platform of arts and creativity featured in Bauwelt 21.13

May 5, 2013 | publications, guimarães, portugal, public space, culture

“Bauwelt 21.13”, n.21, Germany, may 2013

platform of arts and creativity featured in Eyrxpone Oyeie

April 5, 2013 | publications, guimarães, portugal, public space, culture

“EYRXPONE OYEiE”, Ktirio, Greece, february 2013

platform of arts and creativity featured in A+U

March 7, 2013 | publications, guimarães, portugal, public space, culture

“A+U”, n.511, Japan, march 2013

platform of arts and creativity featured in AU

December 4, 2012 | publications, guimarães, portugal, public space, culture

“AU – Arquitectura e Urbanismo”, n.225, Brazil, december 2012

platform of arts and creativity featured in Details

November 30, 2012 | publications, guimarães, portugal, public space

“Details”, n.30, Korea, november 2015

platform of arts and creativity featured in ArqA

November 4, 2012 | publications, guimarães, portugal, public space

“ArqA – Guimarães 2012”, Portugal, november/december 2012

platform of arts and creativity featured in The Plan

November 4, 2012 | publications, guimarães, portugal, public space

“The Plan”, n.62, Italy, november 2012

platform of arts and creativity featured in Vision

October 30, 2012 | publications, guimarães, portugal, public space

“Vision”, n.122, Gold, Dubai, october 2012

platform of arts and creativity featured in Monocle

October 6, 2012 | publications, guimarães, portugal, public space, culture

“Monocle”, n.57, England, october 2012

platform of arts and creativity featured in ICON

September 30, 2012 | publications, guimarães, portugal, public space

“ICON Magazine“, n.111, International Design Architecture & Culture, Sweden, september 2012

platform of arts and creativity featured in A10

September 6, 2012 | publications, guimarães, portugal, public space, culture

“A10 – New European Architecture”, n.47, Netherlands, september/october 2012

guimarães private hospital featured in AWM

November 30, 2010 | publications, guimarães, portugal, public space

“AWM”, n.37, Germany, november 2010

swimmings pools of ribeirão featured in ArchiBook 60’

November 1, 2009 | publications, swimming pool, portugal, services

“ArchiBook 60’”, Portuguese Architecture Generation, Portugal, november 2009

acl house featured in Arquitectura y Diseño

January 5, 2008 | guimarães, portugal, residential

“Arquitectura y Diseño”, n.83, Espanha, january 2008

vila flor cultural center featured in Arquitecturas

April 1, 2007

“Arquitecturas”, Programa Conceito Matéria, Portugal, april 2007

mr house featured in Arquitectura y Diseño

January 5, 2007 | publications, portugal, residential

“Arquitectura y Diseño”, n.71, Espanha, january 2007

alfredo pimenta municipal archive featured in Arquitectura Ibérica – Reabilitação

January 5, 2006 | publications, guimarães, portugal, rehabilitation, culture

“Arquitectura Ibérica – Reabilitação” n.12, Portugal, january/february 2006

d. afonso henriques stadium surrounding featured in Arquitectura e Vida

June 5, 2003 | publications, guimarães, portugal, public space

“Arquitectura e Vida” Euro2004, Portugal, july 2003

house in azurém featured in Casas + Interiores

October 1, 2002 | guimarães, portugal

“Casas + Interiores Norte”, vol.1, Portugal, october 2002
